Everything in my life has led me to this moment. Breaking a karmic cycle and a generational pattern. Truly closing a chapter, many chapters in this 9 year of 2025.
Releasing and cord-cutting have never quite felt like this. I’ve never felt so far away from who I was, even 3 months ago. I reflect on her with compassion, love, gratitude, and patience.
The culmination of a million… a billion little moments. Big moments. Heartbreaks. Heart shatterings. Oh, the illusions.
I can’t be anything but grateful for all of it.
Past life connections, plus karmic lessons, plus life lessons, plus attachments and patterns. Well, the list goes on. I chose this beautiful catastrophe to learn one main thing — choose yourself. Love yourself so deeply, devotionally, loyally, and beautifully that you glow and radiate with that love.
We all have it; every one of us.
All I had to do was look inside myself.
I will be eternally grateful for the spiritual journey this path has unlocked for me — to the people, places, things, moments, triggers, glimmers — in every dimension, lifetime, and timeline.
To know how divinely guided and protected I am, as we all are. It’s opened a level of faith and trust I’ve never had access to — within myself and with my source (Creator, God, Universe, Spirit, etc.).
In the past two days, I’ve pulled two Oracle cards with the theme of gentleness — the Shaktipat of Seahorse and Deer of Delta (I love the White Light Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild). This calls to the divine feminine within me deeply and serves as a needed reminder. Without brute force, dreams and purpose can be achieved. Without brute force, I can stand strong and empowered. Effort and consistency are key.
I can bring gentleness and softness to myself and in turn, others. Make friends with my ego, fears, and stories and let them fulfill roles that serve my highest purpose and that of the collective.
I feel like I can rest.
At the same time, I have so much I want to do. I want to travel, I want to laugh, I want to love deeply. I want to wonder at miracles and beauty, I want to create beauty, I want to learn, I want to teach, I want to guide, I want to write, I want to light others up, I want to be lit up, I want to rest, I want to listen.
And I want to do all of these things in this sacred vessel that is human and of this physical world and is also so much more. Essence, spirit, love.
With everything happening in the world right now, if there is one hope I have for every person on this planet it would be to come home to yourself. Remember who your essence was before all of the trauma and life got in the way.